The SI-joint, or the sacroiliac joint, is the joint connecting the two ilia with the sacrum between them.
The Pelvis is a ring formed by three bones, two ilia and the sacrum. In the front the ilia join together by pubic symphysis and in the back they join the sacrum through the sacroiliac joint. Connective tissues keep this unit together. Despite the strong ligaments, the SI-joint is still the weakest link in the pelvis, according to traumatology. Tension in this area can easily make the joint lock:
- – The SI-joint can lock after a sudden hit, fall or misstep. The lock or pain can also be caused by sudden twisting or bending movement.
- – The SI-joints overmovement is a common problem with pregnant women. Relaxin-hormone loosens the ligaments which can often cause the pubic symphysis, pelvis and SI-joint increased mobility. A strained ligament might also cause this.
- – Inflammated SI-joint is a common find in spine rheumatism.

The pelvis is twisted when the ends of the ilia (SIAS) are at different heights. This can be seen when lying on the back. In this case the hip joints are similarly imbalanced, and raise the thighs to different heights.
Examples of the imbalance of the SI-joint
Imbalance in the feet and/or knees can cause a “difference of height” in the legs, which tilts the pelvis.
- – Imbalanced SI-joint means that the ilium is higher over the sacrum. The ilium goes higher in relation to the spine, therefore the leg on the side of the imbalance gets shorter. This makes the pelvis twist and creates pressure in the sacrum. Being at the base of the spine, pressure in the sacrum can be seen as s- or c-scoliosis.
- – Often the ilium also twists forwards, sometimes backwards, and twists the sacrum. Ilium bent forward twist the sacrum forward causing several problems in the hips, such as spondylosis.
- – A twisted pelvis also stresses piriformis, psoas-muscles and other muscles tightening the muscles in the sides, chest, neck, and shoulders down to glutes, thighs, calves and all the way to the Achilles tendon.
Dysfunctional pelvis
Incorrect position of the SI-joint imbalances the weight load on the hips, which is the main cause for back problems. The imbalanced weight load tightens the muscles in piriformis, the backs of the thighs, the long back muscles and the abductors. Other problems followed by this may be slipped discs and degeneration of intervertebral discs, or pain in several places; gluteal muscles, groin, hip, knees, calves, Achilles tendon, heels, feet and toes.
A twisted hip and ilium make the hip joint and the thigh bone move in an unnatural trajectory. This twists the hip joint and results in detrition of the hip joint. The imbalance also affects the knee and the ankle: the gait is wrong and the weight load on the joints bigger.
A distorted pelvis, being connected to the muscles on the back and sides, pulls the muscles and twists the whole upper back. Headaches, numb fingers and pain in the shoulders, neck and upper back can often be traced to a distorted pelvis.
An Imbalanced SI-joint is a common problem and often the cause of back pain.
Balancing the SI-joint: Bonesetting offers a gentle safe technique, with which the natural movement is returned to the SI-joint and pelvis. When the pelvis is straightened, the spine can return to its normal position.